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Choose your pricing plan. Membership and Follow up plans apply after your Initial Cryotherapy appointment.
Cryotherapy for Two - Initial
70£Cryotherapy with a friend or a family member.Valid for one month- Whole Body Cryotherapy - Initial Session
Cryo for Three - Initial
95£Cryo with family or friends (up to three maximum)Valid for one month- Whole Body Cryotherapy - Initial
Twice a week Membership
200£Every monthMonthly membership based on two visits per week. £25 per session. Our minimum recommendation- WBC Membership
Unlimited Membership
300£Every month£18.75 per session. Up to four cryotherapy session per week for one person.- WBC Membership
Treatment Starter
175£5 Sessions of a Whole Body CryotherapyValid for one month- Cryotherapy Treatment
Cryotherapy for Two - Follow up
60£Cryotherapy with friends or a family members.Valid for one month- Follow Up Session (if you have done the initial one)
Cryo for Three - Follow Up
85£Cryotherapy with friends or a family members.Valid for one month- Follow Up Session (if you have done the initial one)
Plans & Pricing: PaidPlans
Our individual prices are;
Initial Appointment £45
Follow Up Appointment £40
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